This was posed to me today by one of my clients and it is a really good question. Many of you may appreciate having this cleared up for you. I’m often guilty of swapping the word “article” for the phrase “blog post” myself, however, there are essential differences between the two.
So here’s a rundown of what I perceive to be the basic differences between articles and blogs. Listen…these are not rules! There are many, many exceptions and variations. But this should help to clarify it a bit for you.
Should You Use Articles or Blogs on your Website? – How to Choose
Generating quality content is an investment in time and energy, so it’s a good idea to decide early which direction you to go. Your best bet is to focus on your goals: Articles: If your business is highly affected by changes in laws or the latest research, and if it is necessary for your clients (customers, patients, etc.) to obtain the most up-to-date information quickly, then posting articles on your site is an excellent choice. Attorney and insurance company websites, for example, often contain articles for this very reason. Blogs: If your goals include better visibility on Search Engines, an increase in your stature as a thought leader in your field, and building a relationship with readers, you’re better off blogging. Blog software such as WordPress help make it possible for your readers to easily share your content, make comments, and subscribe. Of course there’s no reason that your website can’t contain both. The messages may be similar, but the execution and tone will be different. Your thoughts?