If you are a Publisher that choose adsense as partner, you must know how to write a high paying keywords.
I want tell you a simple way, I get it from my experiment last month. You must do it if you want increase the CPC or your earning monthly.
This is the way what i do, i get many earning by do this way. See it !
Go to your chrome, insert Google.com/adwords then press enter. Now you opened the google adwords.
After you entered the google adwords, type keyword that on your mind to write it more. Example "Expensive Ads" then press enter. Now you are going to see the price of that keywords. Many Price of the keyword. Then choose one of the keywords you want.
Write about that keyword you have chosen it in your blog that put ads of adwords (its named by adsense placement). Expand that keyword you have chosen become a good of sentence and meaningful.
Tag the keyword under your article, its can be find by google search engine
Example, Labels : adwords, google search engine, Expensive Ads, google partner
Conclusion of this article is you should go to google adwords and find High paying keyword then, do not go to other if you are a publisher of adsense and google partner.