Most people who set their goals fail to achieve them simply because it takes time to produce the results that you want. If the result does not come fast enough, most people would lose their faith and give up.
Therefore, you need to learn how to create the result you want and reach your goals faster. And below are the 5 techniques how you can do so...
1. Set The Big 3
Write down 3 things that you need to get done each day to achieve your goals and do them. Most people did not write down what they need to do or even plan for their day. Some plan for it but they over plan and schedule too much work into their day.
The best is to set between 3 to 5 tasks that you need to get done to get closer to your goals. You can always start small with 3 tasks each day and improve from there on. Remember, the reason you don't want to go for too much and you don't want to go through your day without planning as well.
2. Do The Most Important Thing First
Identify what is the most important task that you need to get done, and do it right away. According to Pareto's Rule, 80% of your work will produce 20% of your result and the other 20% of your work will produce 80% of your result. So you need to identify the 20% work and do them right away.
The most productive time for most people is the first moment when they started their day. So get the most result-producing work done the first thing. For example, if you are writer and the most important work for you is to write, then make it a habit to write once you start your day. You will feel lighter once you get it done and able to go through your day easier.
3. Keep The Momentum Going
Most people are so motivated in the beginning that they are able to get a lot of the work done. However, they will slowly lose the drive as the days go by. So what you need to do is to maintain the momentum. Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint. So don't use up all your stamina up front. You need to think long-term.
As long as you are moving closer toward your goals each day, you are considered a success. Therefore, follow through the big 3 method and get 3 tasks done each day to maintain your momentum.
4. Schedule For Rest
You definitely don't want to collapse due to overwork. Like what I have mentioned above, this is a journey and a marathon, you need to take rest from time to time in order to be more productive. When you get a burnout, you will slow yourself down and get nothing done.
For example, you can schedule for 3 major blocks of time to do your work, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. And you can schedule rest time to recharge in between.
5. Keep Going
No matter what happened, you have to keep going. The moment you doubt yourself and the moment you think about giving up or stop doing, you will lose. A loser will never win and a winner will never lose.
If you want to reach your goals faster, don't give up because you just don't know when you will hit the jackpot and big results coming to you. Success is the accumulation of small successes that most people never really care. When you take care of the small successes, the big ones will take care of itself.
These are the 5 ways how to reach your goals faster. Do 3 tasks each day to get you closer to your goal, schedule and do the most important task first, and keep the momentum going.
Shawn Lim is the founder of Stunning Motivation. He has more than 7 years of experience in the personal development industry and has helped countless hungry seekers to achieve outstanding success in life.
To learn more about him, visit now.
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